Another rule of chat: boys who advertise a "hypno" interest and who seem to fall into trance automatically are fakes until proven otherwise.
Now, I know this, but every now and then I chat with one anyway just to see how it goes. Despite not looking for cyber, a little of it every now and then isn't so bad for your fantasy life. Yet I always wind up disappointed or disgusted at the things these fakers say are happening, because people who don't know they're fakes would be really, really disturbed. (Since they are fakes, and no one they describe actually exists, there's no actual harm, but still. I won't go into details, just so you can sleep better.)
Not everyone is susceptible to hypnosis in the first place (IMHO), and of those that are, very few can easily fall into trance online. If you think you have such a boy in chat, the thing to do is issue commands that you can verify, either over webcam or over the phone. More likely than not, you'll find that these boys magically don't have webcams (or even still cameras), or can't do phone, or as I said before, somehow can't do anything that you can verify.
If you're interested in hypnosis, try visiting a reliable site and getting some self-hypnosis audio files. Listen to them (or have the boy listen to them) for a couple of weeks, minimum, and then try some simple triggers that are verifiable but not too intense, like obeying simple orders on camera or telling the truth or something like that. Don't rush it. Don't be surprised when you're not sure if you're going into trance or not, because it doesn't feel much difference than just lying (or sitting) there listening to the file. Give it time, and don't be discouraged if it doesn't work. It's not for everyone.
As for me, I've had health ups and downs in the past couple of months, and loads of work, but I'm doing OK. I miss my boy tremendously, but I hope he can visit over the holidays.
I lost contact completely with two local boys in the past two months. One was only a casual acquaintance who showed more interest once he learned he might get to play with my boy (who is quite well-endowed), but I won't allow that unless he wants to play here without the boy, too. Inserting a new boy who's only interested in the other boy is just asking for trouble. I think this other local boy is probably a good person, but he's very flighty, way too interested in getting drunk for his age (which is incompatible with my scenes), and eventually just stopped responding again. Oh well—I would have enjoyed initiating him, but it doesn't seem to be for him.
The other one has been a disciple (whatever the opposite of "mentor" is, I guess) and friend for about eight years, but two months ago, he simply broke off contact. He'd done something that he should have consulted with me on first, but failure to do so wasn't a mortal sin—until he told me a story I simply couldn't believe about it.
I didn't make a scene or anything, so I thought I'd wait to see how things worked out. A few days later, we were both at an all-day function where he was near me and made eye contact several times, but didn't say a single word. He knows I've been increasingly annoyed over the years by his closet-based refusal to let other people know he knows me, so this just amplified my annoyance.
I thought I'd wait to see what he said about it—and he never said anything. After one month of silence, he fell off my chat lists. It's now close enough to two months that he's fallen off the rest of the things I do, both for BDSM and in "real life."
Yeah, this one hurts—but honestly, he's pulled stuff like this so many times over the years that each time it hurts a little bit less, and I feel less and less compelled to invite him to "fix" it. He's well past college age, and if he still can't approach friendship with me in a mature fashion, it's just time to move on.
That's just a part of life, but it still sucks.