Sunday, January 15, 2012


I can't give you direct quotes, but this is very close to a lot of the text I just got in a Grindr chat with a nearby cute boy who was allegedly seeking "friends":

besides, you're like 280 pounds. What could you have to offer besides controlling someone's life?

I had a friend who was in a relationship and he was kidnapped by someone like you. After reading your ventings on your blog I know I want nothing to do with a "sir" like you.

No, he didn't read what I sent him on limits or communication, because "I don't come here to read a novel about a guy I'll never meet." And his asinine comment about BDSM people being "kidnappers" provoked an angry response from me pointing out that it was no better than saying a pedophile was a "person like him." That was not my finest hour. *sigh*

But here's my point to everyone else: This is why I won't post pictures.

This place isn't what most would call a heavily populated area. The entire state of Oklahoma has about half the population of just the San Francisco Bay Area. The whole state. Gay boys tend to gravitate to certain jobs and recreational areas, and there aren't thousands of such places. Maybe a dozen.

So if I post my face picture, and assholes like this kid see me out and about, do you think I want him spitting in my food if he's the waiter at the restaurant I choose? Or keying my vehicle, vandalizing my home, or spreading unfounded and incorrect rumors? Or that I want straight boys from around here, who play on Grindr looking for targets, to pass my face pic around because it's easier to target someone like me than a younger "all-American boy?"

I've been in gay chat rooms and watched, amazed and frightened, as people whom I have never met told elaborate stories of evil things I had supposedly done, using my real name. Things that never happened, passed around as total fact, right in front of me, all because the liars didn't know that the real name they were slandering mapped to my screen name.

And no, I didn't speak up. My friends in the room asked if they could speak up, and I asked them not to, because I don't care what the liar thinks. Never met him, never will. I care when it causes trouble in my daily life, like in eating at a restaurant with a waiter who's like this kid, or when drunk guys try to trash my car, or if someone starts loudly spreading lies about me in the grocery store while I'm standing right there, all because I am a BDSM dominant.

It's not theoretical. I know what these things are like, and I'm not going to make it easier for them to express their hate. I do not keep pictures of me online because it promotes abuse from boys who do not understand and do not want to. I simply choose not to spend my days fighting them.

If that makes you think less of me, well, you probably weren't going to think much of me anyway. I'm open and honest with anyone who asks, but I don't advertise IRL.