Thursday, February 26, 2015

Changes to adult blogs

Blogger announced this week that as of 23 March 2015, it will no longer allow adult pictures or videos on Blogger blogs.  Well, they will, but "private content can only be seen by the owner or admins of the blog and the people who the owner has shared the blog with." I don't know if that means they'll remove it from Google's search, or that existing links will fail unless they have some new parameter on the URL, or what.

The E-mail notifying me of this said "we think your blog may be affected," which surprised me, so I checked: it won't.  There is adult text on this blog, but there is no adult multimedia on here.  There's no media on here—not one image or video in any blog post.  So there ya go. I think they just wrote to everyone who indicated their blog had adult content.

I've mostly been active at Tumblr for the past year or so anyway, where it's almost all pictures and video, because Tumblr is mainly a reblogging machine on the adult side. I've written a couple of things, but the most popular any of them got something like 11 reblogs. I posted one original picture with a small story and it only got about three reblogs, two of which immediately removed the text and therefore all context. The existing content that I reblog, however, gets lots of reblogs from people who follow me.

I had thought that I'd get more of a sense of community when people liked what I posted, but I rarely get anything other than an anonymous half-flirty note every few weeks. That's just how that goes. The mobile revolution in hooking up gay guys has all but killed the more in-depth online communities where gay (and BDSM) guys got to know each other before moving to anything physical.