Friday, September 23, 2011

Cranky profile text

Here's some stuff I cut out of my profile because is too brain-dead to properly include paragraphs, so the more explaining you do, the harder it is to read.

Leave it to to punish literacy. Anyway, here's the grumpy part:
If you don't know the difference between "discrete" and "discreet," or between "you're" and "your", you can probably just move along now. Same if you think your shit doesn't stink. People who really are "cute" or "hot" don't have to say it in their nicknames. Guys who identify with a clothing brand should save up their pennies and buy a personality.
*No one* is "too cute to be straight," much less anyone who claims to be.
It's true, but makes me look like I'm about to shout "get off my lawn." Though this year, I kind of feel that way a lot of the time, so maybe it's accurate.
On, and on previewing this, I find the new Blogger interface doesn't respect blank lines, and requires you to use HTML tags if you want to use actual paragraphs. As opposed to the previous interface, which triple-spaced everything if you used paragraph tags. Blogger + fighting literacy together!